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King Amanullah khan king amanullah
King of Afghanistan, 1919-29. Born in 1892, the son of Amir Habibullah and Sarwar Sultanah, the Ulya Hazrat - queen. When Amir Habibullah was assassinated in Jalalabad in February 1919, Amanullah Khan was governor of Kabul and in possession of the arsenal and the treasury. He was crowned in Kabul over the prior claims of his uncle Nasrullah, whom he denounced as a usurper and an accomplice in the murder of his father. King Amanullah (he assumed the title of king in 1926) was an ardent reformer and contemporary of like-minded rulers, Muhammad Reza in Iran and Kemal Ataturk in Turkey. He demanded a revision of the Anglo-Afgha agreements concluded by Amir Abdur Rahman which left Britain in charge of Afghanistan's foreign relations in exchange for protection from unprovoked Russian aggression and a subsidy in money and military materiel.

Sardar mohaamad Ayub Khan ,Victor of Maiwand king amanullah with his wife & mother

King Muhammad Zahir Shah <<<<<<<<<<<
King of Afghanistan Muhammad Zahir shah, 1933-73. Born on October 15, 1914, the only surviving son of Nadir Shah (q.v.), he was educated at Kabul and in France. He was proclaimed king on November 8, 1933, within a few hours after his father's assassination. During the early period of his reign (1933-46), the young king reigned while his uncles Muhammad Hashim (q.v.) and Shah Mahmud Ghazi (q.v.) ruled, holding the powerful position of prime minister. His cousin, Muhammad Daud, succeeded as prime minister from 1953 until 1963, when Zahir Shah forced his resignation. In 1964 he promulgated a new constitution. Zahir Shah toured Afghanistan on several occaisions and frequently traveled abroad. During one of his trips abroad, his cousin Muhammad Daud staged a coup and established a republican government with himself as president. Zahir Shah abdicated in August 1973 and has since lived in Italy.and just on 18 april 2002 he came back to his country after 29 year .......

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Sardar mohammad dauod in London 1961
Born in 1919 and President of the Republic of Afghanistan from July 1973 until his assassination in April 1978 as a result of the Saur Revolution. Born in 1909 in Kabul. A minister of interior (1949-50) and prime minister (1953-63), he encouraged social reforms and in 1959 permitted women to abandon the veil, thus contributing to their emancipation and participation in the economic life of Afghanistan. He initiated two five-year plans (1956-61 and 1962-67) a seven-year plan in 1976, and relied for military and development aid on the Soviet Union. He demanded the independence of Pashtunistan. Ten years later Muhammad Daoud staged a coup against his cousin, King Zahir, and in July 1973 proclaimed Afghanistan a republic. He and members of his family were assassinated on April 27, 1978, as a result of the Saur Revolt which brought Marxist parties to power in